Providing Therapy & Coaching Services across the lifespan

BBNTLC Homeschool CO OP
What makes us unique?
We are an outdoor nature based homeschool co-op where nature is the content, student empowerment is the method, and learning is the outcome. We offer nature immersive learning for most age groups in a student-led & play-based, collaborative approach. Our classes assist in development of character, social-emotion wellness, life skills while promoting discovery of self.

Our Program
Our program is designed to capture the interest of children and to connect them to the natural world all around. The courses we offer target life skills while cultivating life long characteristics in young students such as confidence, social skills, and resilience through interactions in nature and various animals on our farm.
We recognize that ALL children are unique and we strive to meet our students where they are at in ways that will enhance and optimize their learning potential.
For some students, the brain's ability to form new connections and critical thinking skills is enhanced when they have freedom from rigid schedules. The resulting reduced stress load has many positive effects in a child’s mental health and behavior. While others may benefit from environmental structure, consistency and routine, in order to acquire new knowledge. In either case, we strive to empower each individual to recognize and discover their potential through exploration of nature, caring for and developing a relationship with animals and the world around us.
For additional information on the classes currently offered, please visit our class schedule page.
Mission & Philosophy
We strive to enrich the lives of our clients, families and caregivers through implementation of highly individualized, evidence-based interventions while utilizing the profound benefits of nature and the human animal bond. BBNTLC is dedicated to cultivating a compelling desire for learning and growth while facilitating a renewed sense of wonder and inspiration that empowers our clients to achieve and sustain their full potential.
Polyvagal Theory/
The Safe & Sound Protocol

Dr. Stephen Porges Polyvagal Theory has expanded our view of the autonomic nervous system and the role of the vagus nerve in regulating the heart, facial expressions, digestion, and breath. The Polyvagal Theory provides us an understanding of our body's neurological responses relate to regulating appropriate social, emotional, and communication behaviors.
Please contact us for for more information.
Address: 1142 Surrey Ridge Lane
Robinson, Texas 76706
Email: starjones@blessedbynaturetlc.com
Phone: 206-949-2859
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Background photo credit: Jenny Groeneweg