Providing Therapy & Coaching Services across the lifespan
Welcome to Blessed by Nature Therapy & Learning Center!
What makes us unique?
Nestled on a small hobby farm in Oak Harbor, Washington, Blessed by Nature Therapy and Learning Center (BBNTLC) offers a unique experience that cannot be found elsewhere. In addition to traditional speech language pathology services, caregiver, family and educator coaching and collaboration, we often integrate nature and the use of animals into our sessions. All services are individualized, evidence based and tailored to meet the needs of our clients. BBNTLC is conveniently located near downtown Oak Harbor.

Our Founders
Founder: Star Sinclair Jones is a licensed and certified speech language pathologist, an ADHD Certified Clinical Service Provider (ADHD-CCSP), and an Advanced Certified Autism Specialist (ACAS).
After recognizing the need to address social-emotional and self-regulation challenges that often interfered with her clients’ ability to make progress in traditional speech therapy, Star became a certified provider of the Safe and Sound Protocol, a therapy that is based on the Polyvagal Theory. After 8 years of partnership with her horse, Stacca, and experiencing the undeniable benefits of his faithful companionship, Star was called to begin utilizing the human animal bond in her practice as a speech language pathologist.
Co-Founder: Stacca, Star's equine partner, is a 15 hand quarter horse paint. His inspiring charisma was the driving force behind the realization and foundation of Blessed by Nature Therapy and Learning Center.
Mission & Philosophy
We strive to enrich the lives of our clients, families and caregivers through implementation of highly individualized, evidence-based interventions while utilizing the profound benefits of nature and the human animal bond. BBNTLC is dedicated to cultivating a compelling desire for learning and growth while facilitating a renewed sense of wonder and inspiration that empowers our clients to achieve and sustain their full potential.
Polyvagal Theory/
The Safe & Sound Protocol

Dr. Stephen Porges Polyvagal Theory has expanded our view of the autonomic nervous system and the role of the vagus nerve in regulating the heart, facial expressions, digestion, and breath. The Polyvagal Theory provides us an understanding of our body's neurological responses relate to regulating appropriate social, emotional, and communication behaviors.
Please contact us for for more information.
Address: 1476 Boon Hollow Lane
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Email: starjones@blessedbynaturetlc.com
Phone: 206-949-2859
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Background photo credit: Jenny Groeneweg